This is one of those dishes that I find hard to eat. I mean, look at it. How could anyone have the heart to munch on them without letting out a little "awwwwww."
Looking at it, I know you would agree with me that the dish looks more of an arts and craft project than cooking, but don’t worry as I even ask my kids to help me out first time I made them.
And if you feel that making this for Valentines... Read more +
OK, you and I both know that Valentine's Day can be daunting. After a day of running around after the kids, working, household it any wonder that most couples decide not to bother?
And with Valentine's Day falling midweek this year, it becomes even more of a reason to just pretend it's not happening.
But I also know this kind of attitude is the start of couple's taking each other for granted. The trick is not to pick hugely intricate dishes for your other half. Not only does... Read more +
It doesn’t get any healthier than a dish with the name, salad with tofu and fresh vegetables. And I’m guessing that those looking for a healthier recipe option now have your mouth waters with anticipation.
Take note though that this recipe is more of how to prepare your tofu as a topping for your salad rather than an entire dish in itself. The idea is for you to just use any vegetables you want. In fact, you can just throw in any... Read more +
Though the idea of putting pineapples on pizza is for me sacrilegious, there is actually no defined rule as to what one can use as pizza ingredients. That means you can practically put anything that you want on it. And with that said, why not an eggplant?
Yeah, the idea might not be that enticing for some. But let me assure you, it completely takes the idea of what a pizza is to a whole new different ballgame.
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Most people don’t like the taste of liver. Sometimes, Even just the idea of eating one can trigger gag reflexes in some. But do liver taste bad?
Far from it. It is actually a very interesting to eat if prepared, cooked and paired properly. So in order to re-market liver as something that is tasty, I have prepared for you this recipe.
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