No, Valentines Day is not only for adults but for kids too! Or at least in our home it is. Every Valentines Day, my husband and I would go out into the yard and have a small V-Day picnic with the kids. Yes, a far cry from romantic dinners and long walks after, but this is our reality now, and we’re happy with it.
So anyway, kids being kids, I needed something to get their interest and not make them run back inside the house and play... Read more +
This dessert was not meant to be a Valentine's Day treat, but rather a regular Sunday afternoon treat. But ever since I started making it a couple of years ago, it seemed to have found its way to our dining table almost every other day.
So since Valentine's Day falls on a Tuesday this year, might as well share this treat with all of you. Not only is it absolutely yummy, but it is super fast and easy to make as well.
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No other dish brightens up my husband’s face than a big ole slab of steak. Yes, it’s the ultimate man food in my opinion. Maybe the thought of eating a bloody slab of meat triggers some primordial gene that indirectly reminds him of the hunting days of early man. He even jokes that, a man that doesn’t enjoy a good piece of steak is not a man. Ok, I won’t argue with him about that, unless I want to see him bang on his chest and do whatever it is men... Read more +
I can say with confidence that I know how to cook a good piece of meat lasagna. Why, because this is one dish that I have served to all my past boyfriends since college. No, I only had 3. Of course, my husband thinks that this is his special meal, so let this be our little secret. =)
Anyway, I don’t know what the fascination with men and lasagna is. Yes, the dish tastes good,(and yes, my lasagna is exquisitely delicious). But it’s as if cooking lasagna for your boyfriend, and... Read more +
Nothing says I Love You on Valentine's Day than a huge heart symbol. And though my wiseass of a husband would always jokingly comment that “honey, you do know that a human heart looks more like a fist right?” to which I would then gleefully reply, “It looks like this right?” (showing him my clenched fist) and then add “Would you rather have this on your lip?”.Ahhhh, the joys of married life.
So for this Valentine's Day I plan to make a huge heart shaped salad topped off with fresh Pomegranate seeds.
Regardless... Read more +