I have been getting emails about easy to make desserts. Specifically, a number of you wanted dessert recipes that do not have anything to do with baking. So I guess most of you don’t like cakes or pastries? Also, do leave a comment below as to why is that so.
Anyway, I love getting emails from you guys and would love to do what I can to answer them. And here is my reply and suggestion for you non cake lovers out there.
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I have to be honest, I have only tried making this dish late last year. And though I have tried several varieties of it, I can’t quite honestly say that all of them are really authentic. But that doesn’t mean that they are not tasty, for all them truly were.
Now why am I saying this to you? It’s because I don’t like to trick people. I don’t like... Read more +
What I love about professional food shots is that it has instant connection with anyone who sees it regardless of one's status in life. Regardless if you’re an art critic or a cab driver, seeing a well taken shot of a dish makes our brains say “I want to eat that!”.
Well for this recipe, you need not settle for the idea of wanting, but have the chance of actually making one right in the comfort of your own home. And if you need further convincing, I ask you... Read more +
I love my friends. And for those that have decided to choose a much healthier eating habit, I salute their courage and determination in turning their back on a meat. But then again, this means that when I have my friends over, I have to prepare a totally different set of meal for my non meat eating friends.
So excuse me my regular readers for making this post a bit personal, but this is for you Vincent! I hope this makes you happy. Now you owe me a bottle of good... Read more +
What screams British aside from rain and Big Ben than fish and chips yeah? My first love affair with authentic, British fish and chips started back in my childhood when my father would take me to visit my granddad in Britain. And every weekend, the two would drag me to the stadium to watch a good 90 minutes of footy. And if in America, hot dog is king, in Britain it’s fish and chips.
I had fond memories of those weekends. Me munching on fish and chips while watching my dad and... Read more +