It’s a daily conundrum; what to cook the kids that’s good for them, but they’ll also devour.
Here’s a list of recipes we’ve found online that tick both boxes, wholesome nutritious food that kids lap up as if it were candy!
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Ignoring a child that’s begging for potato chips is like trying to ignore a noisy hurricane……impossible!
Here’s a fantastic recipe for making potato chips at home, without the need for a deep fat fryer (which is also very unhealthy).
Flavor them anyway you like, with a dash of vinegar, some pepper, or just some sea salt – your kids will soon stop asking for shop bought chips!
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Is there any child on the planet that doesn’t adore ice cream? However, if you are parent, I bet you’ve worried about the health issues of giving your child too much of the sweet, creamy stuff.
Get your kids to help you make this ingenious, healthy ‘ice cream’ where we use banana as a substitute.
I promise you, the kids will find these just as delicious as standard ice cream bars, and you won’t have to worry about them eating unhealthy snacks!
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We all have various pots, pans, skillet and tins in our kitchen. But did you know, the different materials used to make cookware can make a massive difference to the outcome of the foods we cook?
This isn’t just a case of ‘picking a side’. Many people will swear by cast iron cookware, or aluminum cookware…..or some other material.
But a savvy cook will have different materials in their kitchen, and will choose their cookware according to what they are cooking.
Today, we’re going to start a series of articles designed to give you the lowdown on... Read more +
Onion rings are great, but we all know we shouldn’t be eating them all the time. This deep fried snack is laden with fat and calories.
But how do we explain this to children who are craving onion rings?
Here’s a great recipe that utilizes baking instead of deep frying. Yes, you’ll still need oil, but by baking, you can control how much oil you use, only adding exactly what’s necessary, and no more.
This yields much healthier onion rings so you can satisfy those cravings without the guilt.
And getting... Read more +